Senin, 25 April 2011

University of Central Lancashire International Clinical Psychology PhD Scholarship

The Clinical Psychology PhD scholarship is tenable for up to 3 years for a PhD (via MPhil route) [subject to satisfactory progress] and is open to international applicants only. UK/EU applicants are not eligible to apply. The scholarship will provide £15000 towards the cost of the International tuition fee over 3 years.
Clinical Psychology PhD Musculoskeletal problems in young people are common and consume considerable health resources. To date there has been limited focus on the aetiology and natural history of these disorders. Studies have in the main focused on older people because of the societal cost of disability. However there is some evidence that musculoskeletal disorders of the lower limb in young adults may be associated with longer term problems. This Clinical Psychology PhD programme will take an epidemiological approach to investigating the prevalence of, incidence of and risk factors for lower limb problems in young adults

Scholarship Application Deadline: 13 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Postdoctoral Assistantships in Clinical Psychology Phd

The Clinical Psychology Phd successful candidate (s) shall be awarded a bachelor's degree in mathematics and theoretical physics and a doctorate in mathematics and theoretical physics and has in the period after he took office. algebraic geometry or representation theory and mathematical physics - - The Clinical Psychology Phd promotion is in one of the most important areas of contribution and the candidate must have some knowledge of some topics have to be carried out for projects. We are looking for candidates to file a good publication, the assessment can be through the stages of their careers, able to work in an interdisciplinary team.

Clinical Psychology Phd Applicants should read the job description before writing their application. You will be asked to provide proof of how the selection criteria, curriculum vitae, publication list, details of teaching experience, statement of research interests and names and take to download details of the two referees within your application online.

Deadline for applications: 11 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Clinical Psychology Phd Scientific Prizes Callataÿ and Wouters 2011,

Clinical Psychology Phd Since 2011, the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and le Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) award the annual Callataÿ & Wouters Award in recognition of an original and/or profound contribution to knowledge in monetary economics, financial mathematics, financial institutions and markets, economic growth and technological change, mathematical and quantitative economic methods, under the condition that research in the above-mentioned field is/will be executed on a macro-economical scale.Clinical Psychology Phd Young promising researchers from a Flemish university or the Royal Military School.
A scientific prize of 10.000 EUR for an original contribution to knowledge about
The prize rewards: a)a completed work concerning the theme described above. In this case, the laureate receives 50% of the Award and 50% is donated to its research.
b) a research project, that according to the jury, offers very promising future prognoses in this area. Only in this case, a research project which was not awarded can be resubmitted the following year. The project will then be evaluated based on its progress.

Scholarship Application Deadline:15th of May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Selasa, 05 April 2011

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarships Clinical Psychology Phd

Clinical Psychology Phd the goal of the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship program is to provide educational opportunities for young Africans with academic, intellectual and leadership qualities at intervals appropriate to examine higher education institutions and a network of future leaders of the principle's ability and willingness to advance themselves and their country. The Clinical Psychology Phd awards are intended to give expression to the tradition of academic excellence, leadership, education, reconciliation and entrepreneurship.

Application Deadline:
Application Deadline is 13 May 2011

Further Details:
For further information about this scholarship visit below link.